Obsession with Security:A real issue

Universe in in constant motion and forever disturbance is going on ...and we humans are forgetting the real purpose of our existence in the race of materialism and most of us are stuck at a single point STABILITY.
We want stability at such an extent that it is slowly killing the adrenaline rush and excitement of exploration in most of us.
We all are following the same patterns born,study,get good college,find a job,marriage and have kids and this pattern follows forever.
I really think this is not for what humanity exists.humans are becoming robots with no feelings and only stress;remember last time you really appreciated the beauty of nature,last time you saw sunset and last time you laid on grass near a pond full of ducks without any tension of future or work and simply enjoying the moment.
Nature is itself a teacher and we could learn a lot just by pure observations,all ancient civilization followed the concept of learning through nature by keeping close contact with it.stability is a myth and we should stop chasing it as constant motion Or disturbance reflects progress and stability reflects stillness.
I think we all need to think out of the box and stop following conventional methods,
And listen to our inner soul,travel,gain experiences and meet different cultures so that we become more of a human than machine.
By -Ashwani Sengar 


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